Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The closer

I can not believe the amount of time that has passed since we first toured this house to this day. I have quietly been expecting something to fall through. I didn't know what it would be - but I was so certain that it would, I really didn't even want to talk about the house to other people...I was afraid I would jinx it. So many little parts had to work together. I didn't think they all could.  They did. We made it to close.

Since we received the letter on time, we were actually able to move the close date up from Friday to Wednesday. The closing was a bit tricky since so many parties were involved in this deal. This was not a traditional ownership with one simple seller.

From what we have learned, the couple who built and lived in the house in 1933 left the house to their two daughters when they passed away. Each daughter owned a 1/2 interest in the home. Daughter B was married and moved out of the house at some point. She later passed away, leaving her interest in the home to her husband. When Daughter B's husband then passed away, the interest in the home went to his two nephews (we are not certain if they had no children of their own, or if they too were no longer living). The nephews are both still alive and well and each one is married. That makes four.

Then there was the other daughter, V, she makes five. The one who, from what we know, has lived in the house essentially since it was built in 1933, or very shortly thereafter. She was never married. She had no children. She did not do a lot of home repairs :)

About a year and a half ago, she was no longer able to live in the home on her own and had to move to an assisted living facility. From what we know, she did not want to leave the house - and thus, it sat vacant for a nearly two years until it was decided that the property would need to be sold.

She was not able to come to the closing, but we were told, that took a lot of convincing by her Realtor and the other four co-owners. It seems V was convinced that she WAS coming to the closing. Who can blame her?

Only two parties were able to be present at closing, which meant their attorney in fact (one of the brothers) had to sign each document on behalf of himself, his brother, his brother's wife and the other daughter, V. It was a long closing. Our trusty closing attorney (below) maneuvered everyone skillfully through the paperwork. 

We all waited patiently while that poor man was required to sign as attorney in fact for those three other owners over, and over, and over again. And - when it was all over. We needed a drink. Oh - and I should add, Eric and I now owned a house. 

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