Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Demo Daze

The week of September 9th, I was traveling for work. All week. I felt like I was in a time warp. Which, I guess I really was, due to the drastic time difference between the East and West Coast.  But, really it just felt strange because I barely talked to Eric and when I got back to the house a week later, I realized that during my absence, the ball had started rolling...big time. I tried not to take it personally.

Eric dug up all of the bushes - by himself! 

We got a new roof! "Weathered Wood" Honestly, I thought it was going to be dark brown.
It was hard to tell on a tiny little sample swatch.

But it's not leaking - yet. The last time the roof was replaced was the year that Hurricane Hugo hit.
Yep, time for a replacement.
The antenna and awning are gone. The shiny flashing is now a matte black. 

And last, but not least, the demo started! 

The Kitchen was gutted!
The side wall of the pantry was removed  and new framing was added over the previous pantry door opening.  It is no longer a pantry, but a "fridge nook" - the fridge will slide into the opening. The wall separating the "butler's pantry/ breakfast area" from the kitchen was also removed. So sad to loose that precious arched doorway. 

The sink will go under the first big window and the "breakfast bar" area will be under the second set of windows. 

The room looks enormous with the cabinets and wall removed! 

Things are starting to move along! Note to self: travel more often. 

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