Sunday, July 1, 2012

The (other) one?

So, then there was this other house. Not in our dream 'hood. With only one fireplace and one bathroom. And she sits on a street with yellow lines down the middle and speed bumps (on my "no thank you" list). She also sits next to another house that has been converted into a business... (never even thought to put that on my  "no thank you" list).

And when I told Eric I wanted to see the house, he let me know the same (so do not let him tell you it was his idea).

But - wow. When we opened the front door...and saw the big light,bright open space...I think we both knew this was going to be something special. A real ...

diamond in the rough


: one having exceptional qualities or potential but lacking refinement or polish



But we had learned our lesson with the one. So we put on our big-kid responsible people hats and didn't get excited. We were cool, calm and collected with a real take it or leave it mind-set. We would put in an offer just to see what happened, but we weren't going to have our hearts broken again. Not this time. Not over this house.

On the outside anyway. But I let myself get excited.  I mean, we were under contract. The inspections went better than expected. Truth be told, inside I was jumping up and down and feeling all warm and fuzzy about this house ...and it felt great! I wanted to tell everyone the good news!

And then we found out about the leaking underground storage tank.